Christmas Gifts 
by Mark Jones
"Ugh! Fruitcake?" Clark
said, his face squinching up as he stood over the island in the center of the
Kent kitchen. "You’ve got to have teeth of steel to eat this
stuff…" Martha Kent looked over at her son and smiled.
"Mrs. Whitmore sent that to
us, Clark. She sends a fruitcake every year." Clark vaguely remembered the
older woman that lived three farms over from them.
"And every year we use it to
reinforce the storm cellar." Jonathan Kent piped in, getting popped with
the dishtowel by his wife for his smart remark. A grin spread across Clark’s
face in response to his parent’s playfulness.
Christmas was in the air, the
smell, the sound, and now, the look. They had put the finishing touches on the
tree last night, and the whole house was filled with the freshly cut pine smell.
Elvis' "Home on Christmas Day" was playing softly in the background
from the old stereo.
Clark smiled. He had the fondest
memories of Christmas with his family. From getting up at 5am and running at
super-speed downstairs to the (surprisingly large) load of toys he’d always
get, Christmas was just a great time of year. He remembered how his mom and dad
would get a little frustrated with him opening his gifts… being able to move
as fast as he could didn’t leave a lot of patience and anticipation in opening
a present. Mainly Clark would pick up the present, and a flash later, he was
sitting in a tattered mess of wrapping paper, holding the toy with his eyes lit
A chuckle came from Clark as he
"So what’s the plan for the
rest of the week now that school’s out?" Jonathan asked. Clark looked up
from his reminiscing.
"Well, I’m going to the
Christmas party tomorrow night over at the Sullivan’s house. Other than that,
I’m going to be around here. We still have a farm to run!" The husband
and wife exchanged a look… who is this space alien and what did they do with
their son? "Hey…" Clark laughed, seeing his parent’s reaction.
"I guess I’ve got the ‘giving’ Christmas spirit." He looked at
his watch. "Oh, I gotta go…"
"What about the farm you’re
running?" Martha said sarcastically. Clark’s head tilted a little as he
"I’ll be back in a while,
and the farm will get run just the same. I’m meeting Lana in town so she can
help me shop for presents." Jonathan and Martha exchanged another glance as
Clark walked out the door.
"I saw that." He called
"What do you think?"
Lana said. Clark jerked himself awake again… he didn’t realize he had nodded
off in the chair, head leaning over in his palm. This was the 4th
outfit Lana had tried on. A number of packages were sitting beside the chair he
was in, and now it was Lana’s turn to do some shopping. It was only fair, she
had said. He tried to smile and look like he wasn’t bored out of his mind.
"I think we need the music to
‘Pretty Woman’ playing in the background." Clark said. Lana smiled at
him, but then got a little puzzled… did that mean he thought she looked as
pretty as Julia Roberts, or was he bored out of his mind?
"Really, Clark. What do you
think?" Clark looked her over. Not that he ever needed an excuse to stare
at Lana Lang… he had been doing it for years. Now she was giving him
permission! Her black sheer pants hugged tight around her lean legs and narrow
hips. She wore a white tee, covered by a red zip front fleece top. With her hair
down the way it was, she was breathtaking. Clark had to catch himself… he
could feel his eyes wanting to burn all of a sudden.
"It looks great, Lana."
He smiled. "You look really good." A smile spread across her elfin
"Thanks, Clark…" She
nodded her affirmation as she surveyed herself in the mirror. "I think
I’ll buy it!" She bounced back into the dressing room.
"Oh, thank you, Lord!"
Clark muttered.
"Some party, eh, Clark?"
Pete Ross asked, looking up at his best friend. Clark nodded back, standing in
his trademark flannel shirt, red and white checkered for the holidays. Since he
was ‘dressed up’ a little, it was tucked into his jeans. Looking around,
Clark was impressed by the gathering in the modest-sized Sullivan house. A lot
of the kids from school had come out, and it was fairly crowded.
"Yeah, with Lana and Chloe
working together on this, we have all the coffee we want, and the whole thing
was almost advertised in the Torch… until Chloe’s ‘journalistic
integrity’ kicked in and she pulled the promo article she wrote." They
both grinned at the thought of Chloe fussing over the ad she drafted for the
"I will not compromise my
newspaper for anyone else, why should I do it, even for me?" Pete mocked as
he recalled the conversation in the office of the Torch the other day. He
clammed up as the blonde came bouncing over to them.
"Hey, fellas…" Chloe
said in her normal jovial voice. Clark gave her a smile, and half-hugged her
with one arm.
"Great party, Chloe…"
he started, but was interrupted as she threw both of her arms around his neck
and hugged him close. Surprise registered on Clark’s face, but he wasn’t
upset by the hug. He didn’t mind. When she pulled away, she was rewarded with
one of those shiny-white Kent charm smiles. "Nice to see you, too…"
he said. Chloe just grinned back at him.
"You guys did this up really
well…" Pete said, and Chloe smiled as she looked around.
"I am pretty pleased."
Chloe chimed. "Not like the last wild party that happened at the Kent
Farm…" Clark rolled his eyes at the memory of that nightmare the last
time him parents went to Metropolis. Most of their fury had been deflected
because of what happened with Earl Jenkins, but he still had been grounded. For
a month.
"This is… endorsed by your
dad, right?" Clark asked. Chloe nodded her head.
"Yep. Senõr Sullivan is
upstairs, staying out of the way, but available if needed. He was pretty cool
about the whole thing." Clark suddenly perked up as if stuck by a cattle
"Excuse me, guys…" he
said, making his way out through the crowd. Chloe watched him go, a look of
disappointment and longing showing on her face. Always sympathetic Pete put his
arm around her shoulders, hugging her a little. But he didn’t get a full hug
like Clark Kent did.
"Lana…" Clark said,
walking up to where her and another friend were talking. The other girl excused
herself to mingle, and Lana turned to face Clark.
"Hey, Clark."
"You’re wearing that outfit… it looks good…" Lana nodded
and gave him a soft smile.
"It’s gotten rave reviews
from everyone. I had good help picking it out." Clark smiled back at her,
pleased with himself. "You’re looking fairly festive…" she said,
looking at his picnic-blanket like shirt. Lana noted to herself to take Clark to
buy clothes for himself next time. "Here… this will help." She
picked up one of the festive necklaces from the coffee table that she and Chloe
had made that afternoon for people at the party. It had jingly Christmas bells,
holly, pine and pretty red rocks all bound to it. She slipped it on Clark’s
Red rocks.
Clark felt the surge of… power
charge through his body. His momentarily red-tinged eyes returned to their
normal color, but were now almost lust-filled as he looked down on Lana.
"Clark? Are you okay?"
she asked, noticing some kind of change in him. Clark bit his bottom lip and
looked up… mistletoe. He looked back down at her, her gaze also returning to
"I’m great…" He
said, reaching down to plant a kiss on Lana Lang’s lips… first soft and
sweet, but then as they both held contact, the passion grew between them. He
pulled her tight to him, mouths parting as Clark moved his head in small circles
on Lana’s mouth, sucking her bottom lip. Lana was taken off guard… but she
couldn’t deny her feelings for Clark either. She hadn’t seen this side of
Clark since their kiss at the Talon.
From across the room, Chloe
Sullivan saw what transpired. Her mouth, gaping open, emitted a tiny gasp.
"Chloe…" Pete started,
but she held a hand up to him. She looked back at him for a moment with tear
filled eyes, and ran out of the room. Why did she pine for Clark Kent? Why did
he always leave her to go to Lana? Why didn’t he see how she felt… how she
fully hugged him when he half-hugged her? How she looked at him?
Collapsing on her bed upstairs,
Chloe buried her face in the pillow, crying hard. Why didn’t he know how she
still felt, even after the events of the spring formal?
Why didn’t he know she was in
love with him?
Having watched Chloe run off, Pete could do little but look over at Clark Kent
doing his best to convince Lana Lang to let him unwrap her for Christmas. But
something didn't seem right about the whole thing. Clark wasn't Mr. Show My
Emotions On My Sleeve, so what was up?
It didn't matter. Steel skin or whatever, he needed his ass kicked.
Pete walked over through the crowd and got to Clark and Lana, Clark doing his
best to suck the skin clean off her neck, and Lana seeming to… well, she
seemed to be enjoying herself and be a little weirded out at the same time.
"Clark!" Pete called out. Clark pulled back enough to give Pete a
toothy grin.
"Hey, Pete. Found yourself a little hottie for the mistletoe?" Clark
asked. Pete's eyes bulged out of their sockets as he saw what was around Clark's
neck. Before Clark could say 'hey' even, Pete reached out and snapped the
necklace right off Clark's neck. The balls, tinsel, holly and pretty red rocks
slid off the string and clattered on the floor.
"Pete… what?" A confused Clark Kent stood there, releasing
Lana and taking a step back. Lana watched what happened, a perplexed look on her
"Clark… you don't look so well… come on… too much to
drink…" Pete explained to Lana, taking Clark's arm and leading him down
towards the bathroom. Good thing I do know your secret, Clark. No one would save
your sorry butt otherwise.
"Funny," Lana thought. "I don't remember tasting alcohol on
his breath…" She crossed her arms in a defensive posture as she watched
the two friends walk away.
"Pete, did what I think just happen, happen?" Clark sat on a
chair in the kitchen, just apart from everyone else. Pete nodded, a somewhat
sympathetic look on his face.
"Yeah, I'm afraid it did." Clark's face grew long, and he put his head
down in his hands. "But Lana is not the worst of it… Chloe…" Clark
sat up straight again as he realized what must have happened.
"Oh, no, where is she?" Pete shook his head.
"Not now, Clark. We both know Chloe… she's in hibernation mode. You
have another problem to deal with now, in the form of your former next-door
neighbor that lives in the same house with the girl that's also got it in for
you." Again the exasperated look shown on the young Kent's face. "But
there's more, Clark." If it was possible for Clark's face to droop more, it
would. "Chloe… well, you know, she's…"
"In love with me?" Clark finished. Pete didn't nod, but silent
agreement kicked in at that moment. Clark likes Lana… Chloe likes Clark. He'd
heard this one before. But an unfinished moment at the Spring Formal left…
left them as 'just friends'. Chloe had suggested it, and Clark, of course, went
right along with it. Stupid. He knew it was just a way for Chloe and himself not
to deal with the problem, but he agreed to mask it with 'friendship' just the
same. Meanwhile Lana was still wide open with Whitney gone, and no such
'promises' between herself and Clark. He stood up and went and looked out the
back window, silence descending on him in the middle of the loud party.
"What do I do, Pete?" he asked quietly. "I don't want to
ruin it with either girl…" Pete did his best to be a 'friend', as jealous
as he was of Chloe and Clark's potential relationship.
"We should all have your problems, man." Pete said, standing beside
Clark now at the window. They looked over the decorated houses on the next
street over. Clark nodded softly, patted Pete on the shoulder and headed back to
the front room.
"Lana, we need to talk…"
Chloe Sullivan had spent the past two days of Christmas break sequestered in her
room. Her dad and Lana checked on her, but both knew that she was in emotional
turmoil. Lana would keep her distance, simply because of what happened. Her
father respected her privacy and left her alone, for the most part.
"I'm not hungry, dad." Chloe responded to the knock on the door. It
opened, and a familiar dark-haired member of the Torch staff stuck his head in.
"Can I come in?" Chloe was immediately hit with the fact that she had
no makeup on, her hair was not done and she was sitting around in a long-sleeve
green t-shirt and jeans, without a belt and white socks. She was in 'comfy'
mode, and thought she looked a mess.
"Um… sure…I look terrible" She really couldn't tell Clark
no, but part of her dreaded seeing him. But it was Christmas… and the season
for giving, forgiving, yadda, yadda, yadda. Clark slipped into the room, pushing
the door behind him, but not closing it all the way. It wouldn't be proper…
and Chloe thought that was pretty good of him to think that way. Just like Clark
"You look beautiful." Clark said with a deep sincerity in his voice.
Chloe, taken aback by his bluntness, blushed. "I wanted to come by and drop
off your Christmas present. I know it's a day early, and I'll see you tomorrow,
but…" He handed her a small package… and a red rose. Chloe's 'angry
resolve' face melted away when she saw that, her mouth hanging open.
"Clark… why…" The boyish grin spread across his face said he was
happy with her reaction, that much was for sure.
"I felt bad about the other night, for starters." The light in Chloe's
face dimmed a little. "I realize I was… it wasn't me. And I know it hurt
your feelings." He sat down on Chloe's bed as she crossed her legs, sitting
up. "None of this was done to hurt you, or cause you pain." The look
on her face softened, and she nodded.
"I know that, Clark. You can't get over seven years of 'crush'…
ever?" She said the last part as a joke, but Clark could read the truth
behind it: Chloe may just believe he would not get over Lana, ever. Clark gave
her a little smile.
"Lana and I had a talk that night, Chloe. That's why you haven't seen a lot
of her around you…" Chloe's immediate thought was to complete Clark's
sentence with 'that's because she's been with me the whole time…' Clark
continued. "She's the one who recommended the rose for you." The
blonde's face lit up again at the renewed sight of the flower.
"Clark, I've never gotten flowers before… ever." She gave him one of
her patented grins, and Clark smiled back in pure happiness.
"Well, open your present." He said. She gave him a look like he just
committed blasphemy.
"But it's not Christmas." All she got was a shrug from Clark.
"Okay…" she acquiesced. She tore into the small package, coming up
with a heavy cardboard box. She opened it… and withdrew two fountain pens. She
gave Clark an odd look. He just nodded with a hidden smile for her to continue.
She reached into the bottom of the box to pull out a marble base for the pens
that had an engraving:
Chloe Sullivan
Chloe's mouth hung open… it was one of the most thoughtful gifts she had ever
gotten. And it put into tangible material something she always wanted: to be a
Clark Kent found himself being hugged. It was a good thing… she smelled so…
feminine. He could just catch the whiff of her shampoo – the salt of her skin
– the scent of their two dogs, Bailey and Kasey. Something minty? Maybe that
was her toothpaste that he could smell. But the scent of her was…
"Um, Clark…" Chloe said. "Not that I mind your hugs, but air is
good?" Clark didn't realize he was squeezing her so tight or that he was
still holding onto her, even. Time had suddenly stopped, or maybe it was just
Clark's wish for time to stop. Let him have this moment, holding her forever.
He let her go, and she sat back from him a little. She didn't completely break
contact, but looked at him with a new appreciation… or the realization that he
appreciated her. It was something that moved her deep in her soul. Fair's fair,
she thought, and dug around the other side of her bed.
"This is for you." Chloe said, handing Clark a small package. He
turned the small rectangle back and forth, noting it's size and weight. No rocks
in there. Safe. He found the taped corner, pulling it open as he smiled at
Chloe, who rewarded his smile with one of her own. He pulled the remainder of
the paper off, and turned the picture frame over to look at the front.
Clark and Ryan, sitting on his desk at
the Torch.
Clark looked over at Chloe, mouth hanging open. "Let's get a picture of my
boys." Chloe repeated from that day, choking up a little with her own
emotions. She looked at him with a bittersweet smile. "I know how much he
meant to you." Clark looked back at Chloe, tears filling his blue eyes.
"Chloe, I…" Words escaped him. A moment later, Chloe found
herself wrapped in Clark Kent. His arms were around her waist, her arms
encircling his neck as he buried his head in her neck and shoulder. For the
first time since she met Clark Kent many years ago, he was crying on her
shoulder. She reached a hand up and cupped the back of his head, smoothing his
hair as she whispered that it would be okay.
Clark liked her touch. He liked her hugs. She was stronger than he thought,
physically and emotionally. He liked how her fingers kneaded his shoulder and
back muscles involuntarily when she held him tight. He finally pulled his head
back just a little to let Chloe see his face, see his bloodshot tear-ridden
eyes. She reached up and gently wiped his wet cheek with her thumb.
"Chloe, have you always been this way?" Clark asked. She gave him that
'what do you mean' look. "Have you always been this… sensitive and
caring… about me?" He could see her eyes starting to rim with moisture,
but he just wasn't sure what for.
"I mean, I don't…" She swallowed, looking around in an avoidance
tactic. "I've always… um…since April I think…" Chloe Sullivan
found herself without words. Clark Kent, for the first time in his life, did not
act like he was ignorant of the feelings in front of him. He reached his hand up
to place his thumb over her lips, something that sent a chill down his spine.
"I know, Chloe." Clark said, his head turning slightly to the
right as he looked at her with affection. "I know." Clark closed the
distance between their faces and brushed his lips softly against hers. He could
almost hear her heart flutter. Or maybe that was just his. Pulling back, he
pressed his forehead against hers, noses almost touching in a show of
"Chloe… I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner." He said quietly. He
could just make out her smile.
"It's okay. It was worth the wait."
It was Christmas, and they both had the perfect gift: each other.

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