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Unsent LettersEpilogue by Mark Jones Dedication: This is to all the women out there. You put up with us, you take care of us, and still manage to love us for all our faults. This is for those women who don't settle for second-rate attention. For all those who want that 'romantic' in your life. They're out there. Give those guys who are quiet a chance... they may yet surprise you. -Mark Buffy sat in physics class. It was something she would do, compared to, say, self-dental work or slaughtering a horde of Mohra demons. Her forehead wrinkled as a faint memory passed through her mind of a Mohra demon, but she couldn’t place it. She sighed, and decided to try and focus on the professor. “Now if you’ll turn to page 205…” he droned on at the podium of the lecture hall. Must all teachers be like that? Buffy flipped her book open and it came to rest on page 157. There was a letter in it, and she picked it up, puzzled. She recognized the familiar handwriting on the front… Angel. He had just gone back to LA late last night, with a promise to see her again this upcoming weekend. When did he do this? She smiled to herself as she thought about him and his kindness. Such a gentle, thoughtful soul… She felt remorseful for a moment about how things have happened, but she knew in her heart of hearts that she loved him. That was all that mattered. She read the letter in anticipation.